Monday, June 14, 2010

Slim Thug’s Black Women Views

It has come to my attention in a recent Vibe magazine article, that a southern rapper by the name of Slim Thug, has irritated the population of black women by stating plenty of frank views about the shortcomings of his personal black-on-black relationships. Particularly, the cat stated, with much irritation I might add, that black women were all about what a man could do for them, while white women, and or mixed women, were willing to accept a successful black man’s place as a king, treat him right, listen to him, and add her own personal change to the pot of relationship economics.

And boy has Slim Thug heard it from a number of very responsive sisters. But as I carefully read his article, a few obvious points came to mind. Number one; any white woman who is willing to date a black man, even in year 2010, is already willing to cater to a his needs. If not, she wouldn’t gone there in the first place. And as for a mixed girl, if she’s been raised liberally, which would mean more on the white side of our society, she may lean closer to fulfilling a black man’s ego-stroking needs as well. But let’s stop this stereotypical conversation right there.

What exactly does it mean to “cater to a man”? Because that’s what we’re talking about. Does a woman let him lead? Does a woman not question him? Does a woman do everything that he asks her to do? Does a woman not sweat the small stuff? Does a woman not run her mouth, complaining and such? And does a woman bend over backwards to make her man feel comfortable by any means necessary?

Accordingly to Slim Thug, all of the above may apply. And that’s where he’s going to have a problem with black women. First of all, in the slave-labor history of America, no one as EVER catered to black women as a norm. She, in turn, has been forced to cater to everyone, including several children without fathers in many situations. So there was no man there to lead. And in the absence of honorable or respectable leadership, that we ALL need at one point or another, many young black women have now fortified a resistance to EVERYTHING!

In other words, “Don’t try to lead me now after being missing-in-action for all of my life. And what about you doing something for ME for a change, after I’ve been constantly doing things for everybody else? And yeah, I sweat the small stuff because I’m always on edge after this world has done me, my mother and my grandmother so badly. And since I’m tired of being walked over, I’m gonna run my damn mouth when I FEEL like it! And if you have a problem with that, then you can run on back to your white woman or your confused little mixed girl, because I’m not bending over backwards for NOBODY!”

Does any of that sound similar? I know I’ve heard it PLENTY of times in the black community. And it’s all true and valid arguments. On the flip side, I can’t help but think about a young white woman sitting up in the big house, playing with her Barbie and Ken dolls, while a poor black slave girl does all of the work there, only to return home to her slave quarters, where she’s expected to do even MORE work. Now just imagine three or four hundred years of that for a minute . . . Hell, I’d be pissed off as a black woman after all of that extra work too. At EVERYONE!

Now, I know, I know, we are no longer in slavery days. Every white girl was not that privileged. Every mixed girl is not utterly confused. And every true blue black girl is not that unfortunate. I just wanted to give us all a very clear psychology to think about here. There are a lot of extra reasons to view a black woman’s anger in this country that white women have never had to deal with. And trust me, every white woman does not want to bend over backwards for a man either. In fact, there are plenty of white girls who are told to not even consider a man who doesn’t make a certain income or come from a certain family background, who can afford MAIDS and housekeepers. So PLEASE don’t believe that every white girl is willing to jump into a black man’s fantasy movie, because that idea is the farthest from the truth. And mixed girls have their own list of problems to deal with, while being harrassed by plenty of name-calling haters from both sides.

However, when we honestly discuss the known privileges of certain rappers, like Slim Thug, or athletes, actors, or successful black businessmen in this country, we must understand that these men represent a social and economic class where they can do more, and therefore, they expect more. But that privilege serves to complicate the issue of serious dating, with plenty of women expecting the successful man to always provide more, especially women who don’t have as many available breadwinners in their communities. Hence, the game of musical chairs for successful black men can tend to feel a lot more aggressive and urgent.

And the reality is, many women still feel leery about openly discussing this issue. How exactly do we tackle the idea of male breadwinners in a black culture that continues to be under the gun economically, and how those social and economic strains effects our relationships. That is a serious SERIOUS issue to consider. I even wrote and produced a recent stage play about the battle of social and economic power called Broke & Sexy, because there is just no way around it. We live in a capitalistic society, where black people have been so frustrated by out-of-reach wealth and opportunities that it drives most of us insane.

So I fully understand Slim Thug’s misguided views. The man finds himself under the gun and doesn’t have enough historical perspective to understand what’s going on. Or maybe he does understand and simply wanted to stir up the pot with a strong community reaction. I also understand the young black women who may view Slim and other successful brothers as lottery tickets, because for many of them, they ARE lottery tickets. But you have millions of other sisters who don’t think that way, and who hold their own with a stacked bank account, respectability and cultural education. These honorable sisters unfortunately get caught up in the wave of unhealthy stereotypes and have to defend themselves, which only serves to make the stereotype appear more valid. Even the First Lady, Michelle Obama, has had to deal with the “angry black woman” slander.

We are locked within a complicated, multiple bladed sword on every side of this issue. Black women have plenty reasons to complain, but they are punished for doing so because it feeds the already popular stereotype of their anger. Black men have every reason to act a fool about their lack of peaceful relationships, but shouldn’t if they understand the ridiculous and unfair history of black women in America. White women don’t want to be dragged into this irritating discussion at all, and most of the time they ignore it. Mixed girls have no choice but to bear it all and live their lives as best they can. White men have similar complaints about the insensitivity of the breadwinner issue, but since they have more opportunities to actually BE the breadwinner, they don’t complain about it HALF as much as black men do. Nevertheless, white men feel the pressure as well, just like women feel the pressure to um, “serve and obey” their husbands.

Hell, I can’t even write those words without ducking the imaginary pots and pans that are being thrown at my head just for saying it. It doesn’t even sound right to me. So I rarely expect that kind of a “catering” to happen, even though most couples have actually agreed to it. So what do you guys think about all of this? We could literally write back and forth on these issues of gender, race, and economics for YEARS and would still never have it settled. And I already understand that women will do most of the talking, because guys accept the fact they can’t win the conversation. So what’s the use of even having the argument? A guy will go out and deal with whatever woman will accept him in whatever capacity for whatever reason, and go on with his life.

In the meantime, most men, white and black, will read the comments that Slim Thug put out there to make himself a target for ridicule, and many of the men will agree or disagree, while remaining safely in the dark to discuss it amongst themselves, or only with women who they are not attracted to in a relationship way.

Trust me, at my age, I’ve been there all before. I have also been at the fiery mantle catching hell for opening my big, fat mouth about gender politics. But at the end of the day, men and women of all races and nationalities will continue to dance an insane dance to figure out how exactly to survive with each other’s history and present to create a healthy and continuous future.

Omar Tyree, a New York Times best-selling author, a 2001 NAACP Image Award recipient for Outstanding Literature in Fiction, and a 2006 Phillis Wheatley Literary Award winner for Body of Work in Urban Fiction, has been cited in 2009 by the City Council of Philadelphia for his work in Urban Literacy, and has published 19 books with 2 million copies sold worldwide. With a degree in Print Journalism from Howard University in 1991, Tyree has been recognized as one of the most renown contemporary writers in the African-American community. He is also an informed and passionate speaker on various community-related and intellectual topics. Now entering the world of business seminars, urban children’s books, feature films and songwriting, Tyree is a tireless creator and visionary of few limitations. For more information on his work and titles, please view his web site @ (

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Oh yeah! It’s that insane time of the year again for college folks again.And I must admit, the Final Four brackets are right up there next to the NFLFootball playoffs and the SuperBowl. Of course, college basketball stillcomes in second for me. But that’s still pretty high. It beats out the NBAChampionship games and baseball’s World Series. In fact, those tournaments are4th and 5th, respectively, in my book. Coming in 3rd after the collegebasketball tournament is a quality Championship Fight, like Pacquiao and Maywetherfor instance. And what would you expect from a Philadelphian. The love ofboxing is in our BLOOD!

Anyway, I selected the same order of top 4 seeds as the experts, withKansas, Kentucky, Duke and Syracuse. And I know the West Virginia Mountaineerswere hot about not getting a # 1 seed, but they’re not knocking off Syracuseor Duke. I’m sorry. So take it out on the tournament and prove your worth. Infact, I think a #2 seed makes West Virginia more dangerous, while they playwith a chip on their shoulder. Villanova, on the other hand, should havedropped back to a #3 or even a #4 seed with the way they finished out theseason. They need to recruit a strong big man BAD!

I felt that Temple got a bad deal with a #5 seed after winning the Atlanta10 Conference. And then Pitt got a #3! No way! Temple should have receivedthat #3. I was also surprised to see Wake Forest and Minnesota make thetournament. Wake Forest has done nothing but LOSE in the last month, andMinnesota lost by 30 on national television, but they STILL get invites? WOW! Iwould rather see Virginia Tech or Mississippi State get in. But that’s the waythe ball bounces sometimes. So those teams are both in the NIT Tournamentwith a cliff-falling North Carolina this year.

Overall, the Midwest bracket of the Final Four is definitely the mostinteresting. I thought Kansas was supposed to have the easiest road to the finalsas the top #1 seed. But out in the Midwest, Kansas has Michigan State, OhioState, Maryland, Georgetown, and Tennessee. WOW! You talk about a loadedBRACKET. Those are ALL games that I LOVE to see! Of course, Kansas only has toplay 2 of those teams to advance. Nevertheless, they will definitely haveto EARN their Final Four appearance from that bracket. But I take Georgetownin a Big East upset. Even though Kansas is surely a loaded team, I just wentwith the flow, and Georgetown popped out. What can I say? I’m a Big Eastfan!

Then I like the East bracket with the young Kentucky Wildcats. They havebeen my favorite team to watch this year, with the John Wall dance and all.But can 3 freshman really make it to the big dance? They have Texas in thisfirst weekend. And I’ll tell you what, they don’t want to see Temple withthat slow-down office of there’s and those 3-points shooters either. Kentuckystruggles when you stop them from running up and down the floor. They alsostruggle to match teams with 3-point shooting. Then you have West Virginia inthat East bracket as an angry #2. I wouldn’t count those guys out afterwinning the Big East crown. Nevertheless, Kentucky is just plain fun to watch.So I’m rooting for those kids to make it out of the East anyway.

In the South bracket, Duke is the weakest number #1 seed in the field. Ijust don’t trust those guys. And yes, I give them the respect they deserve forclosing out the season as the top dogs in the ACC, but the ACC was mad WEAKthis year. We will see that when they all lose EARLY in the tournament. Infact, I have Duke losing in this first weekend against Louisville. Yes, Ido! That’s how tough the Big East is. Louisville finished HARD in the hardestconference in America. And even if Duke gets past Louisville, I have Baylorof Texas, surprising folks like Missouri did last year. And Baylor will beata guard-heavy, no-big-man-having Villanova, and whoever wins betweenLouisville and Duke to wrap up the South.

Last but not least is the West bracket. Now I realize that Syracuse is alittle bit disappointed that they have to travel away from home to the West tomake the finals this year. But when I look at the West, it’s the easiestbracket in the tournament. Yes, that’s what I said! The entire West is a“prove-it-to-me” bracket. Vanderbilt? Prove it to me! Pittsburgh? Ditto! KansasState? Same deal. Make me a believer! And outside of Murray State, thatentire West bracket bores me to death. So, if Syracuse doesn’t get homesick andlose for lack of energy and focus, they should come out of the West with noproblem at all. And if Syracuse doesn’t come out of the West to make thefinals, then they need to give up their Big East membership card and STAY OUTWEST!

So there you have it; Georgetown, Kentucky, Baylor and Syracuse. And the2010 big dog is . . . Drum roll please . . . the GEORGETOWN HOYAS!

I know, I know, it’s ridiculous, right? But that’s what came out of mybrackets without trying to over think it. I just let it flow, and Georgetownstuck with me. Of course, president Obama may pick Kansas this year, being hismother’s home state, as well as the favorite to win it all. But he alsoattended a Georgetown game in a snowstorm in Washington, DC, this year when theHoyas blew out Duke. So the president will win either way. As for me . . .Well, if Kansas and Kentucky end up in the final, I wouldn’t be mad at thatgame at all. That’s the game that most people expect. But what’s the fun ofhaving 4 brackets of so many teams to choose from if you can’t predictsomething RADICAL and WIN?

With that being said, in the women’s Final Four Tournament, once theselection committee went with Connecticut at #1, of course, followed by Stanfordat #2, and then Nebraska at #3 instead of Tennessee, I saw that as a HUGEMISTAKE for their championship game ratings! By placing Tennessee as a #4overall seed, we now end up with Connecticut and Tennessee in the Final Fourinstead of the Championship game. Well, Connecticut is going to win it allanyway, but at least having Tennessee in the final instead of Stanford would havebeen a much STRONGER game to market. We ALL want to see the HUSKIES and theLADY VOLS. GET IT ON! That’s the REAL women’s Championship. Nobody wantsto see Connecticut and Stanford in a rematch. That game will now beanti-climatic. And the women’s selection committee has no one to blame butthemselves.

With all due respect, Nebraska is happy to be a #1 seed PERIOD! They didn’thave to be #3. Placing them at #4 would have been just FINE! Then theycould have tested the Huskies bite in the Final Four, IF THEY MAKE IT that far.But to screw up the Connecticut and Tennessee final for a first everCornhuskers team, who may not even MAKE the Final Four was just plain STUPID! Theonly thing I can hope for now is that Nebraska can prove me wrong andsurprise us all with a win over Stanford. But . . . I doubt it. So better luck nextyear for the women’s final. Because I won’t be watching the Connecticutand Stanford game. However, if it was Tennessee, I would hung around andwatched the full WHIPPING, just to see Pat Summit have to walk over and shakethat little Italian man’s hand again in defeat. Ha ha ha!

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Saints Come Marching In! by Omar Tyree . . .

Congratulations to the New Orleans Saints and the Crescent City! They won the SuperBowl last night EXACTLY how I thought they would need to win in. That is, by keeping the game close and ugly without getting into a scoring contest with the Colts. In fact, it was much safer to have the Colts ahead in the game instead of having a lead yourself. Why? Because if the Saints had gotten out to an early lead like they usually do, the Colts would have been juiced up and focused to score on every single possession. But as long as the Colts were in the lead, they would play a more conservative game and the Saints could run out more of the clock then win it in a last-minute SHOCKER! And WAH-LAH! IT HAPPENED!

Let me break it down for you. When the Saints had an opportunity to tie the game up at 10-10 right before halftime, and the Colts stopped them. That was actually a GOOD THING for the Saints! Why? Because if Peyton Manning and his Colts had gotten the ball back after a kick-off with 1:40 left on the clock, they were definitely going to drive down the field and score and steal the momentum back. That’s what they do! However, when the Colts stopped the Saints on the 1-yard like and got the ball back with a 10-3 lead and less than 2 minutes before halftime, there was no way ion HELL they were gonna try and do something STUPID to turn the ball over.

So what happened? The Colts got conservative, they went 3 plays and out on offense, and they punted the ball back to the Saints, who were able to get 3 points out of it for a 10-6 score instead of a tie. And again, that was a GOOD THING for the Saints, because it stopped the Colts from going into attack mode before halftime. Which they ALWAYS do!

Now, at the first kick-off in the 3rd quarter, everyone in the WORLD knows that Peyton Manning and his Colts were ready to get the ball and drive it straight down the field for a 17-6 lead. That’s what they do! But the New Orleans Saints coach, Sean Payton, had a different idea in mind. He already knew what Manning and his Colts were preparing to do, so he attempted and succeeded with a very COURAGEOUS on-side kick to surprise the Colts and get the ball back.

WOW! You talk about a BALLS ON THE FLOOR MOVE! That was it! So the Saints drive down field and jump out to their first 13-10 lead. BUT UHHT OH! As excited as the New Orleans Saints were to finally be in a lead, that 13-10 lead was NOT A GOOD THING! Why? Because now the Colts are now HUNGRY AGAIN! And what happens? The Colts drive straight back down the field, like a Hurricane Katrina, and jump right back out in the lead at 17-13.

I told you! Do NOT play a scoring game with Peyton Manning and the COLTS! You will LOSE THAT GAME! So the Saints get the ball back, and instead of taking the lead this time, they get another field goal for a 17-16 score. That was another GOOD THING for the Saints! Now the Colts are still satisfied with a lead. So instead of Peyton Manning driving back down the field for another touchdown, he eases up on the gas a bit, and the Colts attempt a 51-yard field goal. At that point, I was thinking NOOOOOO! You need to score another TOUCHDOWN! Or at least get a closer field goal. Why? Because that’s a long-ass KICK, and the Saints can SCORE! This isn’t the JETS or the RAVENS! You have to keep the pressure on this team with more POINTS!

So what happened? The Colts, playing conservative again with a 1-point lead, miss a 51-yarder that they would have NEVER KICKED had they been behind in the game. But since they still had a 1-point lead, they were able to make that conservative, Tony Dungy-type decision. And oh, I know, Tony Dungy is no longer the coach in Indy. Nevertheless, his disciple, Jim Caldwell, utilizes the same conservative style of leadership. And that’s EXACTLY why the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS didn’t attempt to go 19-0 this year! Not saying that being structured and safe is all BAD, but it WAS a recipe for DISASTER against a New Orleans Saints team that believed in their DESTINY. It was also why the Tampa Bay Buccaneers decided to FIRE Dungy. They wanted to WIN the SuperBowl. Not just have a excellent team,

Now don’t get me wrong here. I happen to LOVE COACH DUNGY and MOST of what he stands for. I just don’t agree with playing CONSERVATIVE FOOTBALL. I would played a safer than sorry approach and attempted to blow the Saints out. But it was TOO LATE now. So I took a look at the clock. And it’s now the 4th quarter. The Saints have the ball. And there’s about 8 minutes left in the ball game. And I’m thinking, “Okay, this is EXACTLY how the Cots can LOSE this thing.”

Again, the SAINTS are not the JETS or the RAVENS. They can actually SCORE! So now I’m nervous for the first time in the ball game. And I’m still rooting for the Colts because I love what Coach Dungy has done with the team, and the organization there. But I do sympathize with the city or New Orleans. I get the reason why the people there would NEED a SUPERBOWL. I even wrote a book about the city called Leslie, which we are now working hard to produce as my first feature film from a book adaptation. In fact, I LOVE the city of New Orleans. It’s one of my favorite cities in the U.S., right behind my hometown of Philadelphia, and a place called Harlem in New York. But at the same time, I’m also a loyalist. So I’m still down with Dungy, Caldwell and the Colts to win it.

Nevertheless, I’m nervous now. Why? Because a late, come-from-behind win in the 4th quarter was the EXACT SCRIPT that I had discussed with friends and family members as the ONLY WAY that the SAINTS will beat the COLTS in the SuperBowl. The SAINTS will not win a shoot out! But if they can hang around and be close enough in the 4th quarter, they can score and get a lucky turnover to win it without enough time for the Colts to come back. And I PROMISE YOU GUYS --- these were my EXACT WORDS all week LONG before the game!

So what happens? The Saints drive back down the field and score, just like I KNEW they could, for a 22-17 lead. But instead of being conservative and counting on his defense with a 23-17 lead after an extra point, Coach Sean Payton of the New Orleans Saints KNOWS that the Colts are gonna come back again. So they go for a 2-point conversion to make it 24-17, anticipating the comeback. And boy was that 2-point conversion CLOSE! But the officials made the RIGHT CALL! They guy DID have possession of the ball over the end zone line. And Coach Payton had made the right call AGAIN to GO FOR IT! THIS IS THE SUPERBOWL! It’s a ONE GAME DEAL!

Now, at the point, guys, I have to be bluntly honest with you. When the Saints took a 24-17 lead with less than 6 minute left in the game, I told myself nice and quietly, “They messed around and did it. They done beat the Colts for the SuperBowl.” They didn’t even NEED a turnover anymore. I figured the Colts would drive down the field with those 5+ minutes left on the clock and tie the game at 24-24, but then the Saints would get the ball back with 3 minutes left, and just enough time to kick a field goal with less then a minute left in the game. And instead of Dungy’s disciple Caldwell trying his own on-side kick to get the ball back to play to WIN, he was going to rely on his defense to win the game with a late stop.

But I didn’t believe the Colts could stop the Saints anymore. It was the right recipe to win. It was the same recipe the San Diego Chargers have used against the Colts in recent years. You play an ugly game with the Colts and hang around long enough to JUMP THEM IN THE END. You don’t play a shoot out game with them, like the Patriots do and LOSE, you play a mud ball game with the Colts, and you make your big plays in the end once they get stuck in the mud.

So what happens next? Peyton Manning reverts back to his days as a rookie quarterback and starts forcing several passes to Reggie Wayne. And I’m thinking, “Go back deep to Pierre Garcon! I know the he dropped a big pass earlier, but give him another chance to be a hero for him people in Haiti! They ALL dropped a pass tonight.” But instead, Manning forces a long, sideline pass to Wayne that is nearly intercepted. At that point I’m shaking my head and thinking about the bone-head throw that Brett Favre made against the Saints at the end of the NFC title game when all he had to do was RUN and save the win.

And yup, you guessed it! Peyton Manning forces another throw toward Reggie Wayne, while not even LOOKING at his other receivers, and just like I used to do and STILL do when I play football right NOW at age 40, if you show me where I THINK you’re going with that ball, I’m not knocking it down, I’m taking it to the HOUSE. And that’s what happened. A 77-yard interception return, the late-game turnover that I FEARED!

But you know what? I didn’t even FLINCH at the point. I KNEW IT was coming. I had mapped out the entire ingredients for the Saints to win the game, and they executed the plan like CLOCKWORK! A late-game WIN was what did it, just like I had SAID! And I REPEAT, if the Saints had jumped out with an early lead and played a TOP THIS GAME with the COLTS . . . THEY WOULD HAVE LOST!

However, it all doesn’t matter now. The Saints didn’t jump out to an early lead and bleed in the water for the shark called the COLTS to hunt them down and eat them. The Saints kept the shark nice and fed with a conservative lead for the majority of the game, and then they SLAUGHTERED THE SHARKS WITH A SPEAR, crowning the NEW ORLEANS SAINTS as the 2009-2010 NFL CHAMPIONS!

Now . . . when the next season starts in 7 months, and the Colts end up going 14-0 again, will they go for the PERFECT SEASON this time, or will the shut it down again and act as if that automatically gives them a win in the SuperBowl? I guess we’ll all have to wait and see. We’ll also see if the Saints can make it back again and defend their title. Because once you win or lose the SuperBowl, the NFL makes certain your next season is STACKED with plenty of new PREDATORS set take you down and skin you like an ALIEN! And that’s why I LOVE FOOTBALL! There is no safe script to win. So either you go ALL OUT . . . or you LOSE!

Omar Tyree, a New York Times best-selling author, a 2001 NAACP Image Award recipient for Outstanding Literature in Fiction, and a 2006 Phillis Wheatley Literary Award winner for Body of Work in Urban Fiction, has been cited in 2009 by the City Council of Philadelphia for his work in Urban Literacy, and has published 19 books with 2 million copies sold worldwide. With a degree in Print Journalism from Howard University in 1991, Tyree has been recognized as one of the most renown contemporary writers in the African-American community. He is also an informed and passionate speaker on various community-related and intellectual topics. Now entering the world of business seminars, urban children’s books, feature films and songwriting, Tyree is a tireless creator and visionary of few limitations. For more information on his work and titles, please view his web site @ (

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Great Crossover by Omar Tyree . . .

Gang, the year is 2010, and the economy is bad, real bad. However, we do have the first man of color as the President of the United States of America, and a strong sister as his first lady. Nevertheless, black culture is in baaaddd shape. And I do mean bad, as bad as an uneducated black man trying to find a job these days.

The main culprit we fight against right now is money. Simply speaking, black people still don’t have any. Or at least not enough of it to create products and services that we could market, produce, and sell within our own community, enough of which to make a living from. You don’t believe me, just ask a black man or woman to invest in a new business. And they’ll ask you, “With what? Microwave popcorn and Ramin noodles?” We can afford plenty of that. But real hard cash these days is tough to find in the hood.

But white America . . . oh, don’t be fooled by the economy. White Americans still have money, and they still find ways to spend it on the things that are most important to them, like; cell phones, computer games, technology gadgets, televisions, movies, sports, groceries, celebrity gossip. You name it, they are still breaking records to spend for it.

So intelligent black people - God bless their survivalist hearts - have recognized as much. And before they allow pure American capitalism to leave them behind in the hood again, intelligent and culturally astute black people have remembered the first and oldest American law of economics . . . cross-over to wealthier, more numerous and generous white Americans in order to make a good living.

Oh yeah! You better believe it! Blacks in professional sports still, and will always, make good money. Mainly because white Americans still and will always spend good money to see super professional athletes do their thing. Black comedians, mainly if white folks can follow their humor, are still able to demand a rock solid 5 figures A NIGHT for a comedy show. Black actors, mainly named Smith, Washington, Murphy, Lawrence and now Foxx, can crossover and make 7 to 8 figured per film. Provided, that role is mixed in with a majority of white actor characters, where a cross-over audience can relate.

And now let’s talk about black music, who have used the word “cross-over” more than anyone. Well . . . do we still even have black music anymore? I can’t tell with all of the so-called “pop” hits that have increasingly moved into the “urban” market these days. The strong and individualized soul of black artists has been transformed into a generic bubble gum flavor that white kids can chew. Even hip hop has softened into a kind of “hip pop” or “pop hop,” if you will.

Why, because white kids still have money to spend and will spend it if they like it. But black kids . . . Well, they’re broke. So they don’t get any music anymore, unless it’s the new urban dance craze song, where they can strut their stuff on YouTube like the old days of popping, locking and break dancing from the 80s. But did anyone really make any money off of that? Unless of course, you got a break dancing or tap-dancing show on Broadway where, ummm, adventurous, thrill-seeking white folks would pay to see these amazingly talented inner-city black kids and Hispanics, who could dance like nobodies business.

So here we are again. No matter how much times have changed, black folks still end up singing, dancing, running, jumping, shooting, swinging, punching, and clowning for Mr. Charlie to make a good living. Otherwise, you’re just another nameless and faceless black person out in the cotton field.

And you better not go against the “pop culture” (meaning more white people) grain unless you name is Jay Z, performing a bold and bad No Autotune song. Then again, No Autotune, and a hood-based song with Young Jeezy, a non-crossover artist, who has recently been left behind, were the only 2 songs on Jay Z lasted Blueprint 3 album that were not “hip hop pop” songs shared with Rihanna, Alicia Keys, Kanye West, Timbaland and several other crossover artists. So even Jay Z knew where to get his latest pay-check from, including a mega millions deal with Live Nation, and international touring company, while marrying Beyonce (no last name needed), the supreme, crossover diva.

But who am I to talk? I used a crossover move myself, by signing with the powerful publishing house of Simon & Schuster some fifteen years ago to get my increased hustle on within the African-American book game. And although my supportive audience was 95% black, it was still the big white bucks of Simon & Schuster that helps me to do it, when black publishers were not interested or financed well enough to back me.

However, the black readership and media outlets who supported us book writers in the past, have now gotten bored with us and moved on up to a bigger, badder, fatter and 20X more visual promotion of Tyler Perry stageplays, television and film. So I now work desperately to crossover into those arenas of film, television and stageplays myself to make a living in 2010. This isn’t 1999 anymore. As Will.I.Am, the crossover front man, producer and performer of the Black Eyed Peas sang on Oprah’s Show after Barack Obama’s election to the presidency, “It’s a new daaaay . . .” And he was very happy to sing so. But is it really a new day . . . ?

Black people have been hit by Americas present economic recession more than anyone, with less jobs, less income, more home foreclosures, and less culture now to uplift them. Outside of Barack, Michelle, Malia, Sasha and Bo sitting pretty in the White House, of course. The Black First Family seem to keep many in our community optimistic that a new day is still right around the corner for us.

Nevertheless, Tyler Perry - God bless his hardworking soul - is one of the very few black men these days who can still earn a good living from black support without crossing-over. That’s why white Hollywood is continually confused about how he is able to win at the box office with his films, which they don’t consider to be . . . good enough, or ummm, universal enough (meaning more white characters and subjects that white people can relate to) to succeed economically.

Of course, Tyler Perry, still gets his film distribution muscle from Lionsgate, a very strong independent white studio, and he has also made excellent friends now with Oprah Winfrey, the crossover queen of the FREE WORLD to help promote his creative products and services to his audience.

And don’t get it twisted here, I’m not hating on any of these guys. On the contrary, I am very happy for them. ALL of them! I’m only stating a 21st Century fact of white and black America in year 2010, that’s all. Despite Barack Obama as president, we are catching a very cold winter right now, just like always. Unless we can, like Obama did, prove that we are worthy enough to somehow show white folks with money that it’s okay for us to make a good living up in the big house. Even for me now.

Unless I can find a way to crossover to bigger, longer, generous and supportive money from a white company again myself, I may no longer be of any good to you guys. As Jay Z rapped uncompromisingly on his first album, Reasonable Doubt, before he crossed over into “pop culture”, “N---a you broke, f--- you gone tell me.” In other words, your opinions and advice only have value when your bank account does as well. And if not, then don’t even speak. So maybe I need to find myself a major radio show deal like Michael Baisden, Tom Joyner, Steve Harvey, Tavis Smiley, and Wendy Williams. But oops . . . wait a minute. Those guys have all been able to crossover too, if not with their audience, then with the radio station conglomerates who control the airwaves, including sister Cathy Hughes’ Comcast-invested company of Radio and TV-1.

There’s just no way around the crossover to live well in America. And I hate to say it, but not even black drug dealers are producing the ingredients of their products locally. It’s still all imported. So if you want to find a way out of the hell that we have recently found ourselves in, once again, then please practice your crossover dribble for forever ready ESPN crowd of overexcited white students, alumni, staff, and parents, who will wildly cheer you on and wear your team colors and jerseys with painted bodies and faces, happy as ever to line up early and all night and pay handsomely for another opportunity to watch you succeed at entertaining them.

Wow! As much as things have changed . . . You get the point. Now go practice. I’m already at the gym.

Omar Tyree, a New York Times best-selling author, a 2001 NAACP Image Award recipient for Outstanding Literature in Fiction, and a 2006 Phillis Wheatley Literary Award winner for Body of Work in Urban Fiction, has been cited in 2009 by the City Council of Philadelphia for his work in Urban Literacy, and has published 19 books with 2 million copies sold worldwide that has generated more than $30 million. With a degree in Print Journalism from Howard University in 1991, Tyree has been recognized as one of the most renown contemporary writers in the African-American community. He is also an informed and passionate speaker on various community-related and intellectual topics. Now entering the world of business seminars, urban children’s books, feature films and songwriting, Tyree is a tireless creator and visionary of few limitations. For more information on his work and titles, please view his web site @ (

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Broke & Sexy The truth about contemporary American dating . . .

A Conversation With Writer Omar Tyree

Q: After more than a decade of writing popular and successful novels, why did you now decide to write a stageplay?

A: Well, I've also written several screenplays for feature film production at this point, but that process is tremendously long, expensive and taxing, particularly on your first big project. So while my partners and I continue to move along in the film production stages, I asked myself, "Why not write a stageplay that you can produce and stay active with in the meantime?" And the decision was helped along when I read a marketing e-mail that announced Tyler Perry going back out on the road with a new "Madea" play.

Q: And that information influenced your decision?

A: Oh, definitely. I mean, here's a man who took the black stageplays to another level, and it's obvious that there is an audience out there for the medium. You just have to come up with an idea to execute that will bring outa steady crowd of supporters. And since I'm no longer writing 400-page books, I figured that writing an 85-page stageplay would be a breeze.

Q: And was it?

A: Oh yeah. I wrote it over the 2-week Christmas and New Year's holiday break and took it to the Library of Congress to secure the copyrightalready. That was the easy part. But now the hard part begins; casting, producing, directing, finding promotional partners, and taking the play out there onthe road.

Q: Now the subject of your play - Broke & Sexy - seems to be extremely timely.

A: If you know about my career as a novel writer, I've always been one to write timely material about our community. And for my final novel Pecking Order, published in September 2008, I wrote about the state of American entrepreneurship because we all need to think about creating new economicsfor ourselves. I followed that up with The Equation, a non-fiction book onbusiness. So, for my first stageplay, while we are still in hard economic times, I wanted to speak about the difficulties of dating in this depressed economy.I see that as a very valid and serious topic that you can make fun of and learn from at the same time.

Q: But will people want to watch a stageplay about those economic truths, or find something that allows them to get away?

A: Well, I've never been the "get-away-from-my-problems" kind of writer. I've always written about the hard truths in my work. However, with a stageplay, I'm able to be more humorous with those truths. So it's a veryfunny play that couples will indeed have a ball with. Then you have actors whowill have a ball depicting the well-rounded characters that I came up with. So, have no fear, the entertainment element is all there. I just base the playon a subject that is definitely valuable to us right now.

Q: What is your target audience?

A: You know, I have always had a pause when it comes to target audiences for my work, because you never really know who will eventually come out to support you. You always hope for the largest audience possible, but realistically, you have to review the content and the delivery of yourmaterial, as well as the audience who have been a part of the natural marketplace thatyou fall into with your project. And with that being said, I would expect to attract the African-American working class who typically support stageplays.At the same time, I would also hope to attract a few college-aged supporters, and possibly crossover to non-blacks, who may be interested in the contemporary economic content that is involved.

Q: In light of the economic issues highlighted within the play, how do we as African Americans prepare our youth in college, so that they are better prepared for corporate America?

A: You can prepare all college students for corporate America by telling them, or demanding them, to do internships in their freshman, sophomore, junior and senior years. The best way to learn is to be there. And corporateAmerica is always open to free young labor, especially now. So when thoselazy college students wait until the last minute to intern in their field ofwork, or don't make the sacrifices that are needed to do so, then they hurt themselves by not providing their own early opportunity to learn before graduation. I even bring up internships and putting in your dues within theplay. So there are no excuses for not starting early.

Q: What is success for our community? How do we define it as individuals, so we are not compelled to keep up with the Joneses?

A: I'm sorry to tell you the truth and keep it real here, but keeping up with the Joneses is a part of the American way. And the only way you can maintain your focus is by choosing to live in economic arenas that fit whereyou are financially. In other words, don't choose to live around people who you feel you can't compete with. It's a battle that many of us Americans end up punishing ourselves and our loved ones to be involved with. Nevertheless, as long as we can dream the American dream and go after what we want, wewill all find ourselves in competition with the next man and woman and family, whether we like it or not.

Q: How do we get educated, 30-somethings to date and enjoy the moment, without making it a job interview or audition for a potential husband orwife?

A: Now, that all depends on the person. If you're into casual dating, then you will find a way to do it. But if not, and you're ready to get serious about what you're doing, then you start to take the people around you more seriously. But in these economic times, dating can get to be frivolous and expensive, which again, I allude to within the stageplay. But ultimately,it's all up to you and what you're after. So folks who want more fun find ways toplace themselves around the fun people, who may be younger than them, or older people who are just looking for fun themselves.

Q: Are "Alvin Williams" and those people out there who share his way of thinking, male gold diggers, or are they simply trying to beat women attheir own game?

A: Alvin is a creative character that I wrote to make a point and to make sure we get to all of the issues at hand dramatically as well as comically. So even though guys who prey on women economically exist, I realistically don't hang out or know too many if those guys. So I would have to havepeople who are closer to the "Alvin Williams" types to explain what's going on there. I was always raised on men that took care of their own business andhad enough left over to take care of their women and families when needed. So although I can write about a guy like "Alvin", trying to explain that dudeis something totally out of my league. So you just have to enjoy his role and come up with your own ideas to explain him.

Stay tuned for more information regarding the Broke & Sexy stageplay coming soon @